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Alfred de Breanski, Jr. (1877-1957) | Garden painter

Alfred Fontville De Breanski Jr was a British artist known for Sunlit landscape and garden scene painting in rich detail and vivid colour.
Alfred Fontville de Breanski was born into a family of painters. Not only was his father the highly regarded Victorian landscape painter, Alfred de Breanski Sr., but his mother was the Welsh painter, Annie Roberts.
De Breanski began to study art at an early age, taught by his parents and an uncle all were accomplished painters, most especially Alfred de Breanski Sr.

The younger de Breanski attended the St. Martins School of Art before embarking on his own career painting naturalistic vistas of the countryside in Scotland and Wales.
Similar to Antoine-Louis Barye and Alfred Barye, the de Breanksi father and son team worked within the same media with similar subject matter, and thus needed to distinguish their artworks from one another by a unique signature.
The artist later travelled to France in the 1890s and was exposed to the Belle Époque style, and made the acquaintance of James Abbott McNeil Whistler.
On his return to London his artworks began to show the influence of Impressionism, with prominent brushstrokes and great attention paid to light.
De Breanski began to display his paintings at the annual metropolitan exhibitions, both at the Royal Academy and at the Royal Society of British Artists, a more unbiased exhibition venue than the conventional Academy.
De Breanksi died in 1957 in Tonbridge, England.

Alfred Fontville De Breanski Jr era un artista Britannico noto per la pittura di paesaggi illuminati dal sole e scene di giardini con ricchi dettagli e colori vivaci.
Alfred Fontville de Breanski è nato in una famiglia di pittori. Non solo suo padre era un pittore paesaggista vittoriano molto apprezzato, Alfred de Breanski Sr., ma anche sua madre era una pittrice gallese, Annie Roberts.
De Breanski iniziò a studiare arte in tenera età, imparando dai suoi genitori e da uno zio tutti pittori affermati, in particolare Alfred de Breanski Sr.
Il giovane de Breanski ha frequentato la St. Martins School of Art prima di intraprendere la sua carriera, dipingendo panorami naturalistici della campagna in Scozia e Galles.

Nel 1890 De Breanski Jr si recò in Francia dove fu esposto allo stile Belle Époque e dove fece la conoscenza di James Abbott McNeil Whistler.
Dopo il suo ritorno a Londra le sue opere iniziarono a mostrare l'influenza dall'impressionismo, con pennellate prominenti e grande attenzione alla luce.
De Breanski iniziò ad esporre i suoi dipinti alle mostre metropolitane annuali, sia alla Royal Academy che alla Royal Society of British Artists, una sede espositiva più imparziale rispetto all'Accademia convenzionale.
De Breanksi morì nel 1957 a Tonbridge, in Inghilterra.